I find this forum software quite unintuitive to use, so I hope I am in the right place! If not then I am sorry.
Using the datepicker demo I noticed it did not have a Faroese (FO) region. I know, Faroese is not exactly a major language, but since I am fluent in it and because I use jQuery almost every day I thought I should contribute what I can, if you will have it.
So, here it is:
- /* Faroese initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin */
- /* Written by Sverri Mohr Olsen, sverrimo@gmail.com */
- jQuery(function($){
- $.datepicker.regional['fo'] = {
- closeText: 'Lat aftur',
- prevText: '<Fyrra',
- nextText: 'Næsta>',
- currentText: 'Í dag',
- monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','Mars','Apríl','Mei','Juni','Juli','August','September',
- 'Oktober','November','Desember'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mei','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Des'],
- dayNames: ['Sunnudagur','Mánadagur','Týsdagur','Mikudagur','Hósdagur',
- 'Fríggjadagur','Leyardagur'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Sun','Mán','Týs','Mik','Hós','Frí','Ley'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Su','Má','Tý','Mi','Hó','Fr','Le'],
- dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',
- firstDay: 0,
- isRTL: false
- };
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['fo']);
- });