datepicker url modification

datepicker url modification

I'm developing a calender plugin for wordpress. For this plugin I
needed a
mechanism that adds some URL to the href parameter instead of the
default "#"
and this has to be active (true instead of default false).
So I made some little changes to the ui.datepicker.js to my needs.
I extended beforeShowDay with three parameters
[3] a return parameter true || false which (de)activates links
[4] a URL
[5] a URL target (e.g. _blank)
I think this little extentions could be usefull to other developers,
so I
would like add it to the distribution if the main developers agree.
< +
'\',' + drawMonth + ',' + drawYear + ', this);return '+
< (daySettings
[4] ? daySettings[3] : 'false') +';"') + '>' + // actions
mn: set return to true!