decoupling the range slider widget

decoupling the range slider widget

I am having trouble getting a decoupled version of the mobile, dual handled range slider. To be clear, what I want is the widet with none of the other jQuery mobile features. I went to the mobile download builder and checked one box, "Range Slider" under "Forms." It auto-selected other boxes for me, which I assume were the dependencies. When I use the mobile js file from that zip and html from the online example, I get two single handle range sliders instead of one double handle range slider. 

Here is a fiddle illustrating the problem. The mobile js file referenced was included in the zip from the download builder tool:

Here is another fiddle, which differs only in one respect. It is pulling the mobile js file from jQuery's CDN. You will see that it now works:

Does anyone have any ideas? And thank you in advance for reading this.
