Delegation with namespaced events error

Delegation with namespaced events error

  1. $(document).delegate("body", "", function(){
  2.   alert('bar')
  3. }).delegate("body", "foo.zar", function(){
  4.   alert('zar')
  5. });
  6. $(document.body).trigger("");
Alerts "zar" and "bar" when it should only alert "bar".  This is a problem with liveHandler only checking

  1.  handleObj.origType.replace( rnamespaces, "" ) === event.type 
Which will match anything foo

VS something more like:
  1. handleObj.origType === event.type+(event.namespace ? "."+event.namespace : "")
And in handle, you have to add the namespace to the event like:
  1. event.namespace = namespaces.join(".")
There are other, probably better ways of doing this, but this is the easiest.  I wanted to release our default events plugin that lets you do:
  1. $('.tab').bind('', function(){})
Tonight.  So, I'd really like to get this into the nightly as soon as possible.  Brian Moschel should be making a pull request in a few hours, so let us know if it needs any changes.

Also, I submitted a 4 fixes a month or so ago that never got added. Any reason for the delay?  Seems like the last update in jquery/jquery was a month ago. I know you are crazy busy, but let me know if there is anything I can do to help these get in.  There's a few other plugins that need some of these changes on the way.  But this delegation error is by far the most important.
