Deliberate error or oversite or me?
I have discovered, what for me is a bug.
It has to do with the css call returning opacity.
In firefox it returns the opacity fine
if i alert the above it will return .4 or .9 or whatever the opacity is.
it will do this if the opacity has been set in the styles.
however in IE it always alerts 1. So to jquery IE has opaque or transparent and nowhere inbetween.
this is strange because if you set opacity thusly...$(".mytransparentdiv").css({opacity: ".5"})
this works fine in ie and does what you would expect.
I had a look at the core and found various places where opacity is mentioned. It sems there is a browser detect in there for
IE and if ie is the browser then return 1 is hardcoded.
is there a reason for this? is there something I am missing? Should I be getting the opacity a different way?
or am i due a chocolate fish?