Dialog height/width/position issues in IE

Dialog height/width/position issues in IE

I have been researching bug #4350 and just wanted to note to the
developers what I have found. It seems like a lot of the issues
related to dialogs in IE have to do with the way IE calculates the
offsetHeight and offsetWidth when not using a strict !DOCTYPE
declaration. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms534199(VS.85).aspx
for more detail.
As soon as I started using <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0
Strict//EN"> the offsetHeight, offsetWidth calculations come more in
line with FF, Safari, and Opera. The jQuery code that uses these
offset properties are able to perform the correct calculations and the
dialog scrollbar issues all seem to go away when using strict mode. I
am not sure if this helps at all if somebody needs quirks mode for
some other reason but I just wanted to throw that out there.