I was unable to use your Trac, because it thinks i'm a robot.
I've used both 1.7.x and 1.8.x versions of the UI library, and both 1.3.x and 1.4.x versions of jQuery, but the bug still remains.
The summary is: my modal dialog is slow like hell.
I was going to make it fade in, but for now I can just show it immediately.
But that's not the main issue.
The main issue is that it does not just appear and disappear very slowly, but it slows down the content inside it and the content outside it too.
I mean, even if I close the dialog, my page is still much slower than it used to be before I made the .dialog('open') call.
I've attached the showcase.
Unpack it and run "index.html".
Then roll over the top left icons - the tooltip animation should be smooth.
Then push the button in the middle of a screen.
The dialog appears.
Now push the left "cancel" button, and it goes away.
Now roll over the top left icons - the tooltip animation is now much slower.
Not to mention that if you try to make this dialog fade in and out - it won't be able to do that.
Also, animations inside the dialog are kinda slower too.
*There's a bug in Chrome, so I advice you to view it in FireFox