Disapointed with new Button icons option

Disapointed with new Button icons option

Been really busy and was just tasked with looking into upgrading to the latest jquery ui, however I am very disappointed with the button icons as functionality has been removed.

We have developed a few web apps, and many of them have buttons with an icon on the left and a drop down icon on the right.  With 1.12 it seems that a button can now only have 1 icon, thus removing functionality.

Why not leave the icons option, instead it should consist of objects of icon objects ( {icon:"ui-icon-plus", "icon-position":"top"} ), thus enabling multiple icons for a button.

On another note (so any admin please contact me to push me) I have written a jquery ui html wysiwyg editor widget using only jquery ui objects.  I have been meaning to give this to the jquery ui project, however I just need to do some minor changes when I get the time.