Does JQM have drag to previous page preview functionality?

Does JQM have drag to previous page preview functionality?

Sorry i know the title is a bit confusing but i don't even know what this feature is called. On iOS safari if you tap/hold the left side of the screen and begin to drag right, the previous page comes into view(how much is shown depends on how far you have dragged the current page), but does not fully transition until you either finish the swipe, or drag pass a threshold and release. If you do not pass the threshold and release the hold, the current page will snap back into full view, pushing the previous page out of the screen.

In JQM the only thing i could find is a simple swipe transition. I would like to know if this drag-to-view-part-of-previous-page-but-dont-transition-until-threshold functionality exists within JQM. Thanks.