Does JQuery hate ordered lists? with respect to .hide(it's not working to say the least)

Does JQuery hate ordered lists? with respect to .hide(it's not working to say the least)

Ok first off here's my code.
  1. <script type="text/javascript">

  1. <div id="toc">Table of Contents Click any of the "+"s to show sub items.
        <li><a href="#ghelp">General gameplay help</a></li>
        <li><b id="show">+ </b><a href="#nojava">Requirements to play</a>
          <ol id="hide">
            <li><a href="#jsie7">Enabling Javascript in IE</a></li>
            <li><a href="#jsff">Enabling Javascript in Firefox</a></li>
            <li><a href="#jsob">Enabling Javascript in Opera</a></li>
            <li><a href="#jsas">Enabling Javascript in Safari</a></li>

Ok now that that's up there, for some odd reason it's not hiding those enabling javascript elements and quite a bit more that i have on the page. I was hoping to use .hide() along with slideToggle() to make the table of contents page on the help page alot easier to navigate to where the user wanted to go. This is mainly b/c the page is quite large at the moment, and i'm sure that the user doesn't wnat to view everything in this list which is put on the side.

I've looked voer it and it should be working, but it's not. I don't see why it can't, since as far as i knew, Jquery worked with all elements inside of html and not just divs, buttons and such other things.