dom manipulation during touchmove - possible?

dom manipulation during touchmove - possible?

Hi all,

I have a small project that I'm working on to build a drawing tool, I'm using sketch.js but I'm running into a few issues. The basic premise of the app is to scribble onto one photo to reveal an image underneath. For this I'm using CSS masks - it only needs to work on Webkit so that's fine. You can view a demo I've knocked up here - - if you draw on the image you will see that it 'reveals' the main image underneath.

The issue I have is that on touch devices the mask is only being updated when I stop drawing. This is not really the effect I want, really it should be updating the mask constantly as the user is drawing on the photo.

I know that this is because touchmove events basically block the dom manipulation until they stop and that this is by design but is there any way around it perhaps using events built into jquery mobile? I did try vmousemove but got into a mess!

Any help gratefully received