dont get current data from DOM... jquery seems to cache ?!

dont get current data from DOM... jquery seems to cache ?!


  1. <script type="text/javascript">

  2.     $(document).on("swipeleft", function(){ 
  3.    $.mobile.changePage($(".nextsite").attr( "href" ));
  4.      });

i come from mootools, but i seem to be blind here.
it should be very easy... on swipeleft the page should get the HREF of the link with class "nextsite" and change URL

it works fine, ONE TIME... on the loaded site this link with class "nextsite" has a different value now. but when i SWIPE-LEFT, nothing loads, cause jquery wants to load the link from the beginning, instead the new one.
why is that so?
it seems, that jquery has cached this link and won't grab it from currernt DOM..?

How to change this?

Thank you