Draggable stop and Droppable drop events

Draggable stop and Droppable drop events

I'm currently creating a drag and drop table, however, I'm coming
across some issues with the stop and drop events...
When I've "completed" a drop I am wanting to perform some clean-up
operations, and then restripe the whole table which is the container
for the draggables and droppables so the colour scheme stays in sync.
However, I'm finding that if I use either the drop or stop event for a
draggable or droppable element that the event hasn't actually
"completed", so when I'm trying to perform a clean-up there's nothing
to clean-up yet as everything hasn't completed.
Is there another event I should know about which indicates when an
actual drop has finished?If not, then how can I tell when everything
has completed? I'm using the clone helper on the draggables so not
sure if this will have an effect as the element is duplicating itself?