Draggable with select list on android

Draggable with select list on android

Hi There
After searching the web for hours, I finally made the decision to post my question.

I'm using the jQuery draggable function to let the user drag and drop a <li> from a <DIV> to the another <DIV>. In the <li> is a select list, connected to PHP with ajax. Everything works fine on most Browsers, Windows, Mac, iPhone (thanks to  jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js). But I can't get it working on any android browser (I tried FF and built in browser). The select list can be clicked, but I can't chose any selection. 

But if I drag the <li> just a bit and then click on the select list before it snaps back in, it suddenly works on android as well! 

Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Estrobyn