Dropdown list with editing functionality

Dropdown list with editing functionality

I am trying to implement a search functionality which kind of
combining few features. What I really want is a google type search
input text with dropdown list with autocomplete functionality. The
dropdown list should show all the items on the list at the same time
the user should be able to type to get to an item. Once the item is
selected, the user should redirected to the page that is associated
with the item.
I tried this using array to build up all the items that will show up
on the list with jquery autocomplete, but not sure how to wireup the
html pages that is associated with the selection. This is just few
items that show in here, the list might have about 100 items.
    var autoFill=new Array();
    autoFill[0]="ATS" //when this selected, it should redirected
to atshome.htm
    autoFill[1]="UPS" //when this selected, it should redirected
to upshome.htm
    autoFill[2]="UPS 5-10 kVA" //should reidrected to 5-10kVA.htm
    autoFill[3]="IT Series" // should reidrected to itseries.htm
    autoFill[4]="ML Series" // should reidrected to mlseries.htm
    autoFill[5]="LP Series" //
    autoFill[6]="VH Series" //
    autoFill[7]="GT Series" //
Search: <input id="example" >
Any help or suggestion would be really appreciated.