Dropify insert image dinamically

Dropify insert image dinamically

I , sorry for english i have a materialize modal with a form in this form i have input and an image.
With ajax and json i populate the input field but the image (get by db) isn't show .

This is my code :

  1.         $('.button_edit').click(function() {
  2.           var csrfName = '<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name(); ?>';
  3.           var csrfHash = '<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_hash(); ?>';
  4.           $id_cellar = $(this).attr('id');
  5.           $.ajax({
  6.             type: "POST",
  7.             url: "<?=site_url(); ?>index.php/Ajax_call_cellar/return_cellar_edit",
  8.             data: {
  9.               csrfName: csrfHash,
  10.               id_cellar: $id_cellar
  11.             },
  12.             dataType: "json",
  13.             success: function(msg) {
  14.               $.each(msg, function(k, v) {
  15.                 $("#edit_" + k).val(v)
  16.                 if(k=='pack_img'){
  17.                   $("#edit_pack_img1").addClass('dropify');
  18.                   $("#edit_pack_img1").attr("data-default-file","<?= base_url(); ?>" + v);
  19.                   $('.dropify').dropify();
  20.                 }
  21.               })
  22.               console.log(msg);

  23.             },
  24.             error: function() {
  25.               alert("Chiamata fallita, si prega di riprovare...");
  26.             }
  27.           });
  28.         });
 If i click on button the image are correctly inserted in data-default-file but i don't see it
  1. <input id="edit_pack_img1" name="edit_pack_img" type="file" class="dropify" data-max-file-size="0.6M" data-max-height="320" data-max-widht="600" data-default-file="https://lamiabirra.altervista.org/uploads/19/labels/birra_recipe2_v1.jpeg">