During transition between html files in jquery mobile a blank page is showing

During transition between html files in jquery mobile a blank page is showing

Hello ,

I built a Jquery mobile application where I used only data-transition attribute to link a html page to another one.The issue is that I faced some problems when i reach the page that I am linking to: the format is messed up. However if I add the rel="external" attribute to the anchor tag I reach the html page I want to go to with a good format. The problem is the last solution for the first problem creates another problem which is the data-transition attribute will be automatically disabled and a blank page shows up between the transition of my two html pages which is undesired.
So how could I make a transition without showing a blank page while maintaining a good format?

Thank you a lot.

PS: By the way I searched for many solutions like adding functions in a jquery file: $(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){
    $.mobile.defaultTransition = 'none';
Or changing in the css:

All these solutions were useless