dynamic loading of images in very long listviews

dynamic loading of images in very long listviews


in a scrollview I have a long list of listview with thumbnails. If the length of LI-Elems is bigger than 200 items, the webview crashs.

  1. <li><img src="dummy.png" data-fullimageurl="FULLURL"><h3>Title</h3><p>DESCRIPTION</p></li>
And  now:

On event scroll =>  detecting which LI's are in viewport and src="dummy". For this images I want to replace the sources.

In the facebook-app it works so in long.

I have made tests. The problem is the length of list not  the iamges.

What we need is a dynamic system for lists. If the user scroll down, then new list items ar appended and the old above are removed from list (and I hope from memory)

Has everyone experience in this case? Or other ideas to improve the performance?

Best regards