Dynamic multiple selectmenu rendering not working solid

Dynamic multiple selectmenu rendering not working solid


i have a multiple select menu which is filled dynamically.
But after a refresh sometimes the rendered result ist ok (in about 10 % of calls),
but most the rendered result is bad, because the menue seems to be transparent (without background) in 90%.
I can't find out the reason for this non-systematic failure.
The failure is available in jquery.mobile-1.4.0 and jquery.mobile-1.4.1 the same way.
(jQuery-Version: 2.0.3)

  1. <div class="ui-field-contain">
        <label for="mySelect" class="select">MySelect:</label>
        <select name="mySelect" id="mySelect" multiple="multiple" data-native-menu="false" data-placeholder="false"></select>

  1. var html = "";
    for (var key in myOptions) {
        var value = myOptions[key];
        html += "<option value='" + key + "' selected='selected'>" + value + "</option>";

Any ideas, helps?

Best ReHa