dynamic page navigation using $.mobile.changePage and History

dynamic page navigation using $.mobile.changePage and History

I have been trying to fix this for days and I could really use some help please.
I have a simple database driven app; pages are loaded dynamically from a Mustache.js template using data from a database.
The result is a jQM Page object which I call $.mobile.changePage(obj) on...

Each page is the same, it has a listview. The listview objects point to other pages (which are themselves dynamically injected). The listview href url is #id (id being the id in the database to query) and this is working fine.

I catch the URL navigation by binding pagebeforechange to 'body' and listening for the hash changes and thats when I do the forward navigation magic. This is working fine.

Unfortunately, the back button doesn't work at all, nothing at all...the pages are in the DOM with unique ids, how come its not working? Am I doing anything wrong? 

I can provide source code if you like?