dynamic page urls not working in 1.3.1?

dynamic page urls not working in 1.3.1?

I have an application currently using jQM 1.1.1 and I am in the process of updating to 1.3.1. This application uses AJAX to get data and dynamically populates ui-page contents, based on the example at http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.1.1/docs/pages/page-dynamic.html (which is also present in the 1.2.0 docs).

However, in 1.3.1, the search portion of the hash (after the ?) is stripped out when the url is updated during $.mobile.changePage() - this appears to be intentional based on comments in the code. I have confirmed this behavior by taking a copy of the old dynamic page example from the 1.2.0 docs, and just substituting jquery mobile 1.3.1 and jquery 1.9.1 - the hash (#category-items)  is inserted into the url, but the search params after the hash are not retained.

This breaks dynamic apps, since pages cannot be bookmarked or reloaded. Is this really an intentional change? If so, why would the devs break support for dynamic applications? If not, then why aren't the docs updated to show how to handle dynamic page injection?