dynamically change flip switch options

dynamically change flip switch options

I have the following "Flip Toggle Switch"...

  1. < select id ="Select1" data-role ="slider" data-theme ="b" data-track-theme ="b" data-mini ="true" > < option value ="no">No</ option > < option value ="yes">Yes</ option > </ select >

How can I dynamically change the option's innerText values?  For example I want the slider to show "Não" and "Sim".  Or, "Non" and "Oui".  Based on what language they select.  I successfully use jQuery to update the text for each option (not the value attribute).  But, the updates are not shown.

I've tried:

1. $("selector").slider("refresh");

But, it doesn't update the displayed text.  Basically, once jQuery mobile does its "magic" on the select element, I cannot change the display.  I can easily change which option is selected, but that is not the issue.

Any help?