Effects branch, questions and ideas

Effects branch, questions and ideas

First, Scott, can you provide an overview of the effects branch? Whats
the purpose, what primary issues are tackled?
Second, one the issues that I know about, is the effects-method to be
more flexible in arguments, allowing you to pass a single(?) argument
with a full configuration. Which makes me wonder: If we can do that,
can we also overwrite jQuery's animate method to accept the same?
What I'm aiming at is to make the effects.core.js file an optional
dependency whereever effects are supported. The plugin would use
.animate() by default, with a effect supported by core. When the user
provides a UI effect, he has to include effects.core.js.
This, transfer seems to be the one half-breed that isn't really an
effect, as it doesn't modify the "animated" element. Its not that cool
to have a single category just for that, but what we now have is crap,
too - when you try to figure out how transfer works, based on the docs
on jqueryui.com, you have to pick apart the effects demo. So that
needs to be fixed anyway, could be worth doing it "right". If so, we
could keep in mind any future "effects" similar to transfer. Dunno if
other libraries have something in that category.