Efficient custom structural pseudo selector

Efficient custom structural pseudo selector

I have been working on implementing a custom structural pseudo
selector for selecting table cells in columns and column groups. I
plan to release this as a stand-alone plugin and also use it as a
basis for supporting character alignment in table columns. The
selector syntax would be similar to the following:
// select the cells in the third column
$('#mytable td:nth-col(3)');
// select the cells in the second header column
$('#mytable thead th:nth-col(2)');
// select the cells in the first colgroup (which can span multiple
$('#mytable td:nth-colgroup(1)');
I have successfully implemented this as a "normal" jQuery plugin (i.e.
$('#mytable td').nthCol(2);) with support for column and row spans. I
however fail to come up with an efficient selector implementation, the
reason being that the selector needs to iterate the table at least up
till the point of the indexed column or column group to support row
and column spans. It is possible to implement this as a simple boolean
selector/filter but I think it would be highly inefficient.
I've considered the following two approaches two overcome this
* pre-calculate the column indexes and store them in the data cache.
It would be very efficient to calculate the indexes once per table and
look them up in the selector code, but it would break if the table is
dynamically modified (since there is no reliable cross-browser way to
detect changes in the DOM.)
* override jQuery.filter and add a special case similar to 'nth-
child()' and 'not()'.
The second approach produces reasonable result, but I feel a bit
uneasy about making such modifications to core jQuery code. Is there
some other approach I have missed, or is it better to wait until
Sizzle has been introduced (which---from my brief look at it---seems
to give plugin authors more control over their selectors.) To
reiterate: my main issue is that the current selector engine only
allows plugin authors to write binary selector predicates, while my
plugin requires custom code to perform the filtering efficiently. Any
advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated.