embed jquery in flash.

embed jquery in flash.

Hi i have a actionscript 3.0 thumbnail grid in flash.

I wan't to open a big image for thumbnail in jquery plugin :

In flash i'm calling externalInterface like this :

  1. if (ExternalInterface.available) ExternalInterface.call("openLightbox", imageIndex);
imageIndex is a number for every thumbnail in grid.

One man told ma that it is possible with this plugin to open all photos in turn.

but for this i need to have a special function in html file that will open my image

in jQuery plugin with previus photos and next photos from the grid.

here is an part of xml code:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <images>
  3.       <image source="zdjecia/galeria/kategoria1/miniaturki/image1.jpg" 
  4.        lightbox="zdjecia/galeria/kategoria1/duze/image1.jpg"/>
  5.       <image source="zdjecia/galeria/kategoria1/miniaturki/image2.jpg" 
  6.        lightbox="zdjecia/galeria/kategoria1/duze/image2.jpg"/>
  7. </images>
source is an thumbnail that flash load to thumbnail grid.
lightbox is an image that i want to open in jQuery.

So my question is is it possible to load images in this plugin with calling function from flash??

I wan't to have something like this

in my thumbnail grid i've got about 20 thumbnails and when i click to 5th 
thumbnail i wan't to open big image in jQuery pluging. And when jQuery plugin opened my big image i wan't to have buttons previous and next. So i wan't to have 4 images previous and 15 next. 

Please help i tryied do something but it always open a single image or load all images but always starts from the first image.

Greetings Krystian.