Enable draggable object after taphold

Enable draggable object after taphold

Hello jQuery-Community,

I am using the jQuery UI Draggable Widget for objects inside a div with overflow. For enabling touch gestures I also included the jQuery UI Touch Punch hack.

Instead of using the handle-option for enabling the Draggable Widget for a specific element, I want to be able to enable it for the whole object after an taphold event. So I could be able to either scroll the div by swiping up and down or drag the objects by a taphold.

Is this possible? I know I can disable and enable the Draggable Widget. I also can call the taphold event. But when I enable the Draggable Widget in the taphold event, it only works after releasing the finger/mouse.

It would be nice, if someone could tell me, if this is even possible and if yes, show me a quick example.

Regards, Andreas