encodeURIComponent isn't sufficient for encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded

encodeURIComponent isn't sufficient for encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded

I'm struggling with form serialization in jQuery 1.4.2, in a Rails 2.3.8 project.
I'm ajax-posting a form containing a textarea, grabbing the form contents using $(form).serializeArray(). 

$.ajax uses $.param to serialize the contents, which in turn uses encodeURIComponent. If my textarea contains:

then the resulting request body contains
  text=foo "bar" baz 
 which Rack/Rails manages to deserialize as simply "text"=>"bar".  *

Line breaks are represented as "CR LF" pair s (i.e., ` ').

Shouldn't jquery be normalizing the output of encodeURIComponent to convert plain linefeeds to CRLFs?


*: Oddly, if the 2nd line doesn't have quotes around it, the params parser is able to get the entire contents of the 'text' value.