Enhance effect blind with effect fade (how to)

Enhance effect blind with effect fade (how to)

Hi. The possibility to combine the blind with the fade effect seems to be a wanted feature. I've found some discussions and approaches to do this on Stackoverflow and some blog. It would be very easy to implement this feature as an option in the code.

Just add a few lines in jquery.ui.effect-blind.js (version 1.10.3) at line 57:

  1.     // start at 0 if we are showing
  2.     if ( show ) {
  3.         wrapper.css( ref, 0 );
  4.         if ( ! motion ) {
  5.             wrapper.css( ref2, margin + distance );
  6.         }
  8.         if (o.fade) {
  9.             wrapper.css( 'opacity', 0 );
  10.             animation[ 'opacity' ] = 1;
  11.         }
  12.     } else {
  13.         if (o.fade) {
  14.             wrapper.css( 'opacity', 1 );
  15.             animation[ 'opacity' ] = 0;
  16.         }
  17.     }

Then one can call the effect with or without fading the content of the element like this:

  1.     jQuery('#blindFadeThisContainer').show({
  2.         effect: 'blind',
  3.         duration: 800,
  4.         fade: true
  5.     })
Maybe the developers would like to implement this little option in a next version of jQueryUI?