Error: A page back to previus page
Hi, I have a listview genereated from database ( list page), each item call another page ("detalle" page in all items, only change a id value), so when I work the first time in this list.. items call fine the "detalle" page, but when I generate again the listview, and call "detalle" page, this page call to previus page (list page), no stoped in detalle page... I don't know what happend... any idea?
here mi code that generate listview
my detalle page is single.
function getDirectorioList(tipoDirectorio, latitud, longitud, especialidad) {
ruta = serviceURL + 'listamobile?callback=?';
tipo: tipoDirectorio,
especialidad: especialidad,
latitud: latitud,
longitud: longitud,
maxkilomt: 3
function(data) {
if (data.length >0) {
directorios = data;
var list = $('#lista');
$.each(directorios, function(key, directorio) {
imagen = 'images/default.jpg';
if (directorio.imagen != null) {
imagen = directorio.imagen
if (imagen.substr(0,4) != 'http') {
imagen = ''+ imagen
distancia = Math.round(directorio.distancia*100)/100;
list.append("<li><a data-ajax='false' data-transition='slide' href='#detalle_page?id=""' onClick='""' >" +
"<img class='ui-li-thumb' src='"+imagen+"'/>" +
"<h4>" + directorio.nombre + "</h4>" +
"<p>" + directorio.direccion + ", " + directorio.ciudad + "</p>" +
"<p>" + directorio.telefono + "</p>" +
"</a>" +
"<span class='ui-li-count ui-btn-up-c ui-btn-corner-all'>"+
distancia + " Km</span></li>" );