Error label in jQuery Validation

Error label in jQuery Validation

The error label after validating form with jQuery validation doesn't appear at the correct place. This is the matter only with radio buttons and checkboxes. Instead of appearing the error label on next line it appends with the radio button/checkbox. Here is the sample layout:

Here is the HTML code I am using for radio buttons:
  1. <div>
  2.     <input type="radio" id="1385825951-27-0" name="1385825951-27" value="Male" required><label for="1385825951-27-0">Male</label>&nbsp;<input type="radio" class="gief-radio" id="1385825951-27-1" name="1385825951-27" value="Female"><label for="1385825951-27-1">Female</label>&nbsp;
  3. </div>
Is there any workaround for this?