Event bugs

Event bugs

Hi there,
I noticed some bugs while starting to use jQuery UI with dialogs:
1. "dragstop" and "resizestop" are not being triggered, even if I pass
dragStop and resizeStop methods to the option argument. I had to
overwrite these methods to force the triggers;
2. "dialogclose" is not passing ui as argument. The only argument
passed for the event handler is the event object; To have the ui
passed, I have to send it as part of the data argument;
3. Documentation has case problems: the documentation tells about
"dragStop" and "resizeStop" events, but these don't exist. The correct
event types, as implemented by the framework, are "dragstop" and
"resizestop" (notice the letter case difference).
Also, I noticed that the names of the event types and methods are not
as consistent as they could be... do you guys agree?