event delegation

event delegation

Event delegation is on the roadmap for 1.3
My question is: Who is taking the lead on this particular task?
I have some thoughts and solutions for event delegation that are a
little more robust than Joern's delegate plugin. For the solution that
makes it into the core, I would expect to see the following features
and functionality for event delegation:
- Data, event data as is currently supported in the event system
- Bubbling, starting with event.target, and traversing up the parent
tree to match the delegate selector
- Canceling default event behavior, parent tree-walking, other
delegate handlers on the same element
- Intelligent Removal, being able to remove all delegates, remove
delegates by event type (or namespace), event type and selector (and
sometimes handler)
I have some code I can share with anyone who is interested, it is a
first pass at all of these features. I would also like to know the
thoughts and expectations of other developers who have ever used event
delegation, especially around cancellation.