Event delegation and cancelling click events

Event delegation and cancelling click events

The event delegation stuff in jQuery seems extra tasty, particularly when you have to deal with ghetto ad code written in the previous century.
However, there's one bit of behavior that doesn't act how I'd expect it to. If you bind a function to click events and return false, it doesn't cancel the event.
<script type="text/javascript">
$('a.booya').live('click', function(){
return false;
<a href="http://xkcd.com" class="booya">Clicky clicky.</a>
If you click the link, you get the nice popup and the browser happily carries you on to the location specified by the href.
Thinking about this, it makes a little bit of sense since the event isn't really bound to the <a> element. However, I would really like some way to say "ok, you're done now, don't do anything else" within a delegated event like this.