expanding "r.fn.init" object in console

expanding "r.fn.init" object in console

I used console.log on a  $(e.target).parent() and I have something like this:

r.fn.init [li, prevObject: r.fn.init(1)]

However,when I expand this object, this is what I see:

  1. r.fn.init [li, prevObject: r.fn.init(1)]
    1. 0li.active
    2. length1
    3. prevObjectr.fn.init [a#link-LEVEL4-01]
    4. __proto__Object(0)

  2. I don't understand why "li" is set on active inside. When I used the function addCLass() or removeClass(), it seems to affect only the "li" that I see beside r.fn.init, but not the "li" that I see inside. I don't even understand why they are not the same!? How can I change the value of li inside the expand? I need to remove class active!

Thanks for the help!