Extending jquery widget having a plain object modifies the base widget

Extending jquery widget having a plain object modifies the base widget

I am facing an issue while extending jquery widgets, I have a widget which works fine.The code of the widget is

  1.      $.widget( "xfaWidget.defaultWidget", {
            $userControl : null,
            _widgetName: "defaultWidget",
            options : {
                name: "",
                value : null,
                commitProperty: "value",
                commitEvent: "exit"
                /** more options **/

            optionsMap: {
                "access": function(val) {
                        //do something
                "tabIndex": function(val) {
                    do something
                "displayValue": function(val) {
                     //do something

            eventMap: {
                "focus" : "enter"
                "blur" : "exit"
                "click" : "click"

            _create : function() {
                this.widgetEventPrefix =  "";
                //widget creation code
                _.each(this.optionsMap,function(val,key) {
                    if(typeof(val) === "function") {

            _setOption: function() {}

Now I need to extend this widget to create two other widgets, widget1 and widget2. In widget1 I have a new key in the optionsMap, but when that widget is created that key also is added into the defaultWidget and hence widget2 also has that key. 

  1.         _maxChars: 0    
            optionsMap: {
                "maxChars": function(val) {

so when I run all the function in the optionsMap for widget2 there is an error that _maxChars is not defined (which is correct, since widget2 doesn't supposed to have that property)

I then debugged jquery code and found that they modify the prototype of the base widget when you extend it with a new one. Is there a reason why jQuery does that ?

  1.     $[ namespace ][ name ].prototype = $.extend( true, basePrototype, 
            namespace: namespace,
            widgetName: name,
            widgetEventPrefix: $[ namespace ][ name ].prototype.widgetEventPrefix || name,
            widgetBaseClass: fullName
        }, prototype );