extracting one class out of a few

extracting one class out of a few

I am still working on my plugin that this group helped me debug in the
past and I have an other issue, which can probably ressolve quickly
but i don't know how to attack the problem.
Basically my script uses the HTML class attribute in order to set
widgets, effects and plugins as well as passing through options (if
any) for the set widgets, effects and plugins.
I got it all working now, added event support, delay support, effects
support ect... Anyway the issue is not there, everything works ok,
also it can probably be optimized and cleaned up.
The issue I have is if I want to have multiple class, some that might
not be related to my plugin and therefor need to be left behind like:
<div class="foobox sx-fold { sxFxSpeed: 500; }"> // where foobox need
to be left behind and the rest extracted
And some I want to be able to have more than one special class and set
of options, like:
<div class="foobox sx-draggable { options} sx-resizable {options}"> //
here foobox is left behind but the rest need to be recorded
To be honest I have no idea on how to go and do that, I think the
option I can use the same code and just check for m[0], m[1], m[2]
But the problem is as soon as I introduce an other class the plugin
just doesn't pick up anything anymore.
The plugin in action: http://codeserenity.com/jquery/scriptless/demoX4.html
The plugin code: http://codeserenity.com/jquery/scriptless/js/jquery.scriptlessX4.js
If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be lovely
and make sure to point out again everything I do wrong or that could
be done better in the code as I always learn a lot from you guys and
still have TONNES to learn as some of my attempt to help other often
show :p
Thanks in advance.