F5 in chrome then the theme go white

F5 in chrome then the theme go white


if I refresh with F5 in chrome then the theme go white 
how can I fix this 


  1. <?
  2. session_start();
  3. if($_SESSION["strUserID"] == "")
  4. {
  5. header("location:index.php");
  6. exit();
  7. }
  8. ?>
  9. <!DOCTYPE html> 
  10. <html> 
  11. <head> 
  12. <title>List</title> 
  13. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  14. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  15. <link rel="stylesheet" href="theme/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.css">
  16. <script src="theme/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
  17. <script src="theme/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js"></script>
  18. </head> 
  19. <body> 

  20. <div data-role="page">

  21. <div data-role="header"> 

  22. <a href="index.php" data-icon="home"  class="ui-btn-right">back</a>
  23. <a href="addnew.php" data-rel="dialog" data-icon="home" class="ui-btn-left">ADD new</a>

  24. <h1>List</h1>
  25. </div><!-- /header -->
  26. <br />
  27. <ul data-role="listview"  data-filter="true" data-inset="true" data-theme="d" data-divider-theme="e">

  28. <?
  29. $objConnect = mysql_connect("SERVER","USER","PASS") or die(mysql_error());
  30. $objDB = mysql_select_db("DATABASE");

  31. $strSQL = " SELECT * FROM list";
  32. $objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL) or die (mysql_error());
  33. while($objResult = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery))
  34. {
  35. ?>
  36. <p><li><a href="contact.php?contactID=<?=$objResult["ID"];?>"><?=$objResult["name"];?></a>
  37. <a href="change.php?ID=<?=$objResult["ID"];?>" data-rel="dialog" data-transition="fade">Change</a>
  38. <?
  39. }
  40. ?>
  41. </ul>

  42. <div data-role="footer">
  43.   <h1></h1>
  44. </div><!-- /page -->

  45. </body>
  46. </html>