Fading issue in IE

Fading issue in IE

Or well something like that. Basically i wrote a little plugin that
load and switching between images, everything works perfectly apart
from the fading transition not working under IE.
I think it might have something to do with the way IE handle new
images loaded in an image tag but I am unsure about it. It's nothing
to do with jQuery either as fading works fine in a simple use. Anyway
no idea what is wrong so I hope someone in here might be able to help
or point me in thr right direction.
Here is the plugin code
// closure
    // plugin
    $.fn.nxSwapper = function(settings)
        // private variables
        // old key, new key, old id, new id, new loaded, element displayed,
link, container, container height,
        // container width, current effect, new effect to use, fx direction,
image array, image array size, link in new window
        var ok, nk, oid, nid, nl, e, url, self = this, sheight, swidth, cfx,
nfx, fxdir, img, size, nwin;
        // default settings
        var defaults =
            // amount of time an image will be displayed (used if no time is
set per image)
            displayTime: 3000,
            // swapped effect (default effect to use, effect can be set per
image. supported: 'squeeze', 'fade', 'slide' or 'toggle')
            effect: 'fade',
            // slow, normal, fast or time in ms
            effectSpeed: 'slow',
            // effect type ONLY for squeeze and slide ('horizontal' or
            effectDirection: 'vertical',
            // prefix (use if you need multiple swapper per page)
            prefix: 'nxSwapper',
            // url to the file that generate the JSON
            fileURL: '/assets/jsp/nxswapperimages.jsp',
            // open links in a new window
            linkInWindow: false,
            // randomely pick a record
            random: false,
            // used to pass directly the JSON instead of having the plugin load
            data: false
        // merge defaults with given settings
        var o = $.extend({}, defaults, settings);
        // public method to allow property value change on the fly
        $.fn.nxSwapper.set = function(property, value)
            // property exists
            if (o[property])
                // if effect dont change straight away (avoid bug if animation in
                if ('effect' == property) nfx = value;
                else o[property] = value;
                // success
                return true;
            // failed
            else return false;
        // public method to get property value
        $.fn.nxSwapper.get = function(property)
            // return property value
            return o[property];
        // data available?
        if (!o.data)
            // get the JSON object
            $.getJSON(o.fileURL, function(d, s)
                // loaded with success
                if (s == 'success')
                    // set data & run
                    data = d;
                else alert(s);
            // set data & run
            data = o.data;
        // initialize function
        function _init()
            // cache array length
            size = data.images.length;
            // cache array
            img = data.images;
            // cache container width
            swidth = $(self).innerWidth();
            // cache container height
            sheight = $(self).innerHeight();
            // check for elements
            if (size)
                // add 2 images tag to the element and hide them
                $(self).append('<img id="'+o.prefix+'Img1"><img id="'+o.prefix
                // image tags css
                    position: 'absolute',
                    top: 0,
                    left: 0,
                    zIndex: 800
                // add div for the on mouse event text
                    display: 'none',
                    zIndex: 802,
                    position: 'absolute'
                // set first image in the first tag and switch z-index
                $('#'+o.prefix+'Img1').attr('src', img[0].src).css('zIndex',
                // url?
                if (img[0].url)
                    // save url
                    url = img[0].url;
                    // change element cursor
                    $(self).css('cursor', 'pointer');
                    // open link in new window
                    if (img[0].linkInWindow) nwin = true;
                    else nwin = o.linkInWindow;
                    // set click event
                        // make sure we have a url
                        if (!url) return false;
                        // new window?
                        if (nwin)
                            // for new window return false
                            return false;
                        else window.location = url;
                // text?
                if (img[0].text) $('#'+o.prefix+'Text').text(img[0].text);
                // on mouse over / out effect
                $(self).hover(function() { if ($('#'+o.prefix+'Text').text()) $
('#'+o.prefix+'Text').fadeIn(o.effectSpeed); }
                , function() { if ($('#'+o.prefix+'Text').text()) $('#'+o.prefix
+'Text').fadeOut(o.effectSpeed); });
                // make sure we got more than one image before starting process
                // if not there is nothing else to do
                if (size > 1)
                    // Set src for second image (so it preload in background)
                    $('#'+o.prefix+'Img2').attr('src', img[1].src);
                    // Set array key (old)
                    ok = 0;
                    // Set element displayed (1 or 2)
                    e = 1;
                    // Set time out swap
                    if (img[0].time) setTimeout(_swap, img[0].time);
                    else setTimeout(_swap, o.displayTime);
        // swapping function (timed out)
        function _swap()
            // Generate new array key
            if (o.random) nk = _random();
            else nk = ok+1;
            // reset needed?
            if (nk == size || ok == nk) nk = 0;
            if (e == 1)
                oid = '#'+o.prefix+'Img1';
                nid = '#'+o.prefix+'Img2';
                e = 2;
                oid = '#'+o.prefix+'Img2';
                nid = '#'+o.prefix+'Img1';
                e = 1;
            // load image into tag
            $(nid).attr('src', img[nk].src).onload = _load();
        function _load()
            // reset container
            // text?
            if (img[nk].text) $('#'+o.prefix+'Text').text(img[nk].text);
            // new effect?
            if (nfx)
                o.effect = nfx;
                nfx = false;
            // specific image effect
            if (img[nk].effect) cfx = img[nk].effect;
            else cfx = o.effect;
            // Transition
            switch (cfx)
                // fade
                case 'fade':
                    _fade(oid, nid);
                // squeeze
                case 'squeeze':
                    _squeeze(oid, nid);
                // slide
                case 'slide':
                    _slide(oid, nid);
                // toggle
                    _toggle(oid, nid);
            // set old key
            ok = nk;
        // Generate a random key
        function _random()
            // generate random key
            var rk = Math.floor(Math.random() * size);
            // if random key equal old key just take next key
            if (rk == ok) rk = rk+1;
            // return key
            return rk;
        // reset function
        function _reset()
            // empty text holder and hide
            // reset images tag
                height: sheight,
                width: swidth,
            // reset container cursor css
            // reset url
            url = '';
        // sliding function
        function _slide(oid, nid)
            // make sure container overflow is hidden
            // image effect direction?
            if (img[nk].effectDirection) var fxd = img[nk].effectDirection;
            else var fxd = o.effectDirection;
            // effect direction
            if ('horizontal' == fxd)
                // animation settings
                var osets = {left:'-'+swidth};
                var nsets = {left:0};
                // move nid to the right of oid
                $(nid).css('left', swidth);
                // animation settings
                var osets = {top:'-'+sheight};
                var nsets = {top:0};
                // move nid to the bottom of oid
                $(nid).css('top', sheight);
            // animate old out of the way
            $(oid).animate(osets, o.effectSpeed);
            // animate new one in
            $(nid).animate(nsets, o.effectSpeed, function()
        // squeezing function
        function _squeeze(oid, nid)
            // image effect direction?
            if (img[nk].effectDirection) var fxd = img[nk].effectDirection;
            else var fxd = o.effectDirection;
            // effect direction
            if ('horizontal' == fxd) var sets = {width:0, height:sheight};
            else var sets = {height:0, width:swidth};
            // animate
            $(oid).animate(sets, o.effectSpeed, function()
                // sort elements out
        // fading function
        function _fade(oid, nid)
            $(oid).fadeTo(o.effectSpeed, 0, function() { _off(oid); });
            $(nid).fadeTo(o.effectSpeed, 100, function() { _on(nid); });
        // toggle function
        function _toggle(oid, nid)
        // off function (sort out element hidden)
        function _off(id)
            // switch z-index
            $(id).css('zIndex', 800);
        // on function (sort out element showed)
        function _on(id)
            // switch z-index
            $(id).css('zIndex', 801);
            // on click url?
            if (img[nk].url)
                // save url
                url = img[nk].url;
                // change element cursor
                // new window settings
                nwin = img[nk].linkInWindow == true ? img[nk].linkInWindow :
            // text (used on mouseover)
            if (img[nk].text) $('#'+o.prefix+'Text').text(img[nk].text);
            // set time out for next swap
            if (img[nk].time) setTimeout(_swap, img[nk].time);
            else setTimeout(_swap, o.displayTime);
The only markup needed is a div or an other element as the image tag
are added by the system.
The only idea I have is to wrap the img into div and play with the div
tags instead of the image tags, could this ressolve the issue
Also feel free to point anything out that could be done better or that
would be an issue.
Thanks in advance