Failing dialog unit tests in IE6
I'm finding that 4 of the unit tests for dialog are failing in IE6 (in the master branch as of 2010-10-05). Do you still support IE 6 as a grade 1 browser?
40: dialog: options: position, right bottom on window (1, 1, 2)
undefined, expected: 953
undefined, expected: 989 result: 974, diff: 989 974
41: dialog: options: position, right bottom on window w/array (1, 1, 2)
undefined, expected: 953
undefined, expected: 1004 result: 989, diff: 1004 989
43: dialog: options: position, right bottom at right bottom via ui.position args (1, 1, 2)
undefined, expected: 953
undefined, expected: 1019 result: 1004, diff: 1019 1004
44: dialog: options: position, at another element (1, 3, 4)
undefined, expected: 600
undefined, expected: 400
undefined, expected: 610
undefined, expected: 410 result: 419, diff: 410 419