FAST form fields selection (by name) in ver 1.6 ???

FAST form fields selection (by name) in ver 1.6 ???

I do complex web applications with pages containing hundreds of
fields. I've created custom functions for finding and manipulating
these fields 'by name'. These functions use jQuery, but are not
written as plug-ins. Instead I use Prototype-style names for them:
$N( fieldName ) = find by name and return jQuery object
$F( fieldName [, return displayText] ) = return field value
These methods are called constantly, and the jQuery name-attribute
selector is just way too slow. So I access fields *primarily* through
the form element, which is 100-TIMES FASTER...
var $myField = $( document.forms[0]["myFieldName"] )
I can pass a specific form name, id or number - or the method will
loop though every form on the page until it finds a field with the
specified name. It uses alternate methods if it can't find the field,
but you get the general idea.
So my question is: Will more efficient 'find by name' functionality
will be part of the new selector engine in ver 1.6 ? If not, then can
we expect something for this soon?
Thanks in advance.