Feature Request: $.ajax(): Detect json via res pons e header

Feature Request: $.ajax(): Detect json via res pons e header

<span style="color:navy; font-family:Prelude, Verdana, san-serif; "><span style="font-family:Prelude, Verdana, san-serif;">Julian, is your rewrite of <a href="http://ajax.js" type="url">ajax.js</a> available for peer preview anywhere? I'm really curious to see what you're cooking up
</span><span id="signature"><div style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;color: #999999;">-- Sent from my Palm Prē</div>
</span><hr align="left" style="width:75%">Julian Aubourg wrote:
First of all, merry christmas ;)
<blockquote style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;" class="gmail_quote">This affords the most control but may be difficult to implement
elegantly as the obvious choice of an array has already been taken by
other functionality. Julian suggested an "or" like string but I'm of
the opinion that such a calling style is not cohesive enough with the
rest of jquery usage.
I'd say yes and no. I didn't brought the array issue as something "forbidden" but I rather wanted to let everyone know the current state of my ajax rewriting makes use of them. If you were to use arrays for multiple possible dataTypes, then you'd end up with arrays in array... ie: [ [ json, xml ] , otherDataType ].
As for string expressions not being in the calling style of jQuery... well... I really disagree here, since jQuery has expression parsed parsed pretty much everywhere ;)
Anyway, this gave me the idea of symplifying my current transformation chain system and go for something like: "json > otherDataType" which could be used as "json | xml > otherDataType" and make things much clearer than arrays imo.
But I'm on my mom's comp here... and it's slow as hell and I don't have time to work on all this right now anyway.