Feature request: Delete a CSS style value

Feature request: Delete a CSS style value

I'd like to see the following in the next version of jQuery: a
function named something like .delCss(name), which would actually
delete/unset the style property of the given name on all matched
See, you can already do this by setting the desired style properties/
values in a particular class and then using .removeClass(classname),
so it seems to me to be logical that you should be able to do it with
CSS style properties too.
I know common things to do are to set properties to the empty string,
or 'default', or something instead, but logically to me it feels nicer
to be able to 'unset' the property, even if what jQuery is doing
behind the scenes is just setting the property to the empty string.
Perhaps in future browsers will offer a genuine way to unset
properties in Javascript using an actual Javascrupt 'unset' function,
which could then be implemented in jQuery's .delCss() function.
An example of how this would work would be, say, I set a particular
background-color on an element (either using style="" in the markup or
via Javascript, which I understand is identical in terms of
specificity). I could then later call $('#myElem').delCss('background-
color') on it, which in this property's case would cause the browser
to revert it to the default when the property is unspecified -
'transparent' (see http://www.eskimo.com/~bloo/indexdot/css/properties/colorbg/bgcolor.htm).
This feels nicer to me than $('#myElem').css('background-color', '').
Could we see this in future? :-)
Best regards,
Jeremy Morton (Jez)