Feature request: execute code before .fadeIn()

Feature request: execute code before .fadeIn()

Hi there,
I'm relatively new to jQuery, and it's been a revelation to me that
coding in Javascript can actually be fun... takes much of the headache
out of cross-browser compatibility issues. :-)
That said, I do have a feature request. Take a look at this example
It works quite well, but there is one minor issue. As I understand
it, when you call the .fadeIn() function on an object, it doesn't
actually fade in *immediately*, but puts it into a queue of sorts;
this means that if the same object has .fadeIn() called on it whilst
it's currently fading in or out, jQuery actually queues the fadeIn and
waits for the previous fade to happen before executing this one.
This is a desired behaviour and I like it, but I'd also like fadeIn to
take an additional argument; a function to be executed JUST before the
fadeIn happens in the queue. On my example page, I resize a floated
DIV to the right of the main content DIV in the tooltip popup just
before the fadeIn occurs, as well as changing the tooltip's actual
text. I have to do this just before the fadeIn begins or it may
change the text and look of the tooltip as it's doing a previous
fadeIn/fadeOut. Therefore I'd like this code to be queued to run just
before the fadeIn. I don't think I can do that right now, so I just
check whether the tooltip is currently fading in or out and if it is,
I don't queue another fadeIn. This still works OK but means that if
you move and hover your mouse over icon 2 whilst the tooltip is fading
in or out for icon 1, the fadeIn doesn't happen for icon 2. If I
could queue that code to be executed just before the fadeIn happened,
I could get it to happen for icon 2 as well.
Best regards,
Jeremy Morton (Jez)