"feature request": retrieving :hover css properties

"feature request": retrieving :hover css properties

i first posted this in the mailing list but no replies tells me my answer is no, so this becomes a "feature request"
imagine i style the :hover pseudo-class of an element via css:
Is it possible to retrieve the background-color property of the
elemnent's :hover class via jquery?
i tried the obvious : <a href="http://jsbin.com/idudi/edit" target="_blank">http://jsbin.com/idudi/edit</a>
var temp = $('#myitem:hover').css('<div id=":1cq" class="ii gt">background-color');
alert("color is "+temp);
But that didn't work. It returns the default state.
the reason i'm asking this feature, is because semantically/structurally, the best place to store a css property is obviously in the CSS, not in some sort of metadata.
It occurred me while doing an interaction prototype for my school website : <a href="http://pixeline.be/test/heaj/colormap/colorfade.html">http://pixeline.be/test/heaj/colormap/colorfade.html</a>
each link has its background color fade to a custom color. I could only store it as metadata or custom attribute, i wish i could have just retrieved it from the css.
thank you for listening !