Fetching vBulletin Pages using jQuery

Fetching vBulletin Pages using jQuery

Hello everyone!

We are currently working on redesigning our website and in this process we need to solve one problem with Google and vBulletin in combination with comments. We are using vBulletin Forum-Posts for Comments, which then get fetched and displayed on the frontpage. Due to caching, the content has to be replaced and kept fresh.

What we were thinking of is to load the vBulletin content page from a separate clean website that is using the vBulletin Cookies and let's registered users reply directly on that page. It will be placed into the lower part of the page, where the comments currently are. Here is an example of how it should look: http://www.pcmasters.de/hardware/review/cyberpunk-2077-erster-teaser-trailer-zum-rollenspiel.html

Using iFrames could be a bit of a problem, as the content need to be loaded inside the cached html file for the Google bot to find it, as the Forum content for comments is not indexed and users need to be able to comment though they are not exactly inside the forum. (Trying to avoid to mess around with cookies...)

Now the main question is, if we can use jQuery to fetch the content and implement it into the page template. Googles suggestions won't do it, we checked. This is why I ask here directly.
