Filter table by multiple user text inputs separated by a comma

Filter table by multiple user text inputs separated by a comma

Hi,everyone! I'm pretty much a noob here and seek a little help.
I have a data table and i've added option to filter out rows matching 4 different criteria.
You can see it all in this fiddle:
So far it works great,however it works only by entering a single "value" in each input field.
What i'd like to add is option to enter multiple column values in the same input field separated by a comma -
f.e. in input field "code" i would like to enter "A3,EE" and it would display only those two rows. Then if in input field Second i enter "null" it would display only the first row,since the "null" matches with "A3" i've entered in the first field. (and display nothing if i enter something that is not in column #3, and so on based on all 4 user inputs).

I tried adding something like .value.split(','); to the code,but it doesn't seem to work.

Would appreciate any help on this.

Bonus question: I'd also like to display a text output saying "no results found",if all rows are hidden due to no matching criteria in filters at all.
