Find a child control

Find a child control

Hey there
I am new in this Forum and pretty new to jQuery.

In my ASP.NET MVC View I have a construction, where I have a DIV which Id = "PrintOrder"
Under that DIV, I have one more DIV, that has no Id, and within that DIV I have a Control, which id is generated during the creation of the site. The only Thing I "know" is, that this tag start with prefix: "printOutDropDown"

So, now I need a corespoding JQuery, what would find the printOutDropDownXXXXXXXXXX
I came up with this:
 var locReportDiv = $('div[id="PrintOrder"]').children('[id^="printOutDropDown"]:first');

But I always get back undefined.

Can somebody please help me with that?