Find next instance of class (not as a sibling)

Find next instance of class (not as a sibling)

Hi guys, I have the following style markup:

  1. <h2>
  2.       <span class="status">
  3.             UNDER OFFER
  4.       </span>
  5. </h2>
  6. <a class="img" href="#">
          <img class="mainImg" src="/graphics/mainImg.jpg"/>

Basically what I need to do is find the next instace of the class "img" AFTER it finds a class of "status". However i need it to find the next instance in the rest of the html below the "status" class it has found.

I have been trying:
  1. $(".status").next(".img").append('<img src="/graphics/under_offer.gif" class="offer"/>');
As i'm trying to add an overlay image to the hyperlink so it will appear on top of the image that is already there (css absolute and z-index).

Bet grateful for any help!
