Firefox animation stutter

Firefox animation stutter

Is there anything that can be done about poor performance with some
animations in Firefox? I know it varies by machine, but with a core 2
duo and 2 gigs of ram running FF 3.5, I'm getting some pretty ugly
stutters in a simple carousel that I wrote this morning for my
portfolio site.
If you're running a Windows machine you can probably see what I'm
talking about (Macs are too slick apparently) at The
scrolling of the thumbnail section looks fine, but when you attempt to
scroll the larger project section, it is very choppy, and jitters past
the boundaries of its containing element.
I've tried removing the large image, reducing the list set down to a
mere 3 elements, removing the other DOM elements involved (the project
details), and in short, reducing the module to the simplest possible
form, to no avail.