fixing mobile template spotweb

fixing mobile template spotweb


I am trying to solve a problem with the mobile template of spotweb, there is a button for downloading it directly in a program, but i have a ui-loader that i can't get rid of.

The mobile template is in version 1.0a3
i know its an old version and i'm thinking about updating the script but thougt i fix this problem first, at least try:)
I'm just a newbie for jquery (got to mention it:))

Google Chrome element inspector say's its a 

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method '_trigger' of undefined on line 75
       (anonymous function)

Line 1 is line 74:
  1. {;D.push(G)
  2. };var M=f.scrollTop(),J=["flip"],D=[];if(x.indexOf("&">-1)l=a("[data-url='"+x+"']");if(y){"lastScroll",M);"page")._trigger("beforehide",{nextPage:l})}"page")._trigger("beforeshow",
  3. {prevPage:y||a("")});if(s&&s!=="none")
  4. {;a.inArray(s,J)>=0&&B("ui-mobile-viewport-perspective");B("ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning");if(y)y.addClass(s+" out "+(q?"reverse":
  5. ""));l.addClass(" "+s+" in "+(q?"reverse":""));l.animationComplete(function(){y.add(l).removeClass("out in reverse "+s);y&&y.removeClass(;A();" "));D=[]})}else{;y&&y.removeClass(;l.addClass(;A()}}function Q(){if(j||"role")=="dialog"){x=h.getActive().url+t;if(j){l.attr("data-role",j);j=null}}}var E=a.type(l)==="array",
I don't know what kind of information you further need, but i hope someone can help me!

